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Baby Bird Care

Shashank Nakate
The information presented in the following story will help you take proper care of abandoned birds. Read on to know more...
Many times we come across young birds in backyards, parks, trails, etc., lying helpless on the ground. In order to help them, it is necessary to understand what they actually need, instead of just rushing around.

How to Care for a Baby Bird

Immediate Measures

The immediate steps/measure for an abandoned baby bird is to first keep it in a warm place. It has been observed that many abandoned birds suffer from pneumonia. One shouldn't try and force anything into the bird's beak, even if it appears hungry or thirsty. A wildlife expert would provide the right kind of advice/assistance on to how these birds should be treated.


For the period that a baby bird is in one's care, one needs to keep the following points in mind.

Habitation: To house an abandoned bird, one should first arrange for a suitable shelter for it. A shoe box lined with soft tissues makes for a nice and cozy bird nest in the house. One should try to avoid using materials like straw, paper, or cotton.
It is advisable to use a heating pad in order to keep the nest warm. The nest shouldn't be placed in direct sunlight, but should be kept in a room that receives plenty.
Feeding: For the first few days, one would require to hand-feed the bird, after which the food can be placed in its cage. A diet of bread soaked in a sugar solution, or pet food soaked in hot water is recommended for the first few days.
Most abandoned baby birds are dehydrated, hence, before feeding them one should ensure that they have sufficient water. Birds that are dehydrated have reddish skin, which makes it easy to identify them. Lactated Ringer Solution and Gatorade are some of the commonly used hydration fluids for such birds.
Release: Before releasing the bird, it should be tested for flying indoors. The bird should be released if it is strong enough to attain a certain height while flying.

Some Handy Tips

  • One should keep in mind that it is easier to care for older birds than the younger ones. Younger birds need extra attention while feeding and in general maintenance.
  • Overfeeding should be avoided, since it causes the birds to fall ill. Commercial hand-feeding formulas need to be used for deciding the doses.
  • Their behavior should be observed keenly. Even slight changes in their behavior might be an indication of illness.
Hopefully the above information has given you some idea about how to treat these delicate creatures. Treat them well, care for them, and enjoy the pride when you watch them fly away.