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Chicken Coop Construction Plans

Stephen Rampur
Building a chicken coop at home is a manageable task. You simply need to follow some guidelines, and have a simple construction plan ready.
Many people think that constructing a chicken coop at home is a difficult task. For this reason, they purchase ready-made ones from the market. Building one at home is probably the best option for people who do not have the required budget to buy a ready-made one.
Moreover, it is also an effective way to save money. Some people may prefer the expensive option of getting a coop built by professionals, but for those who want to save and try this at home, here's how to go about it.

Sufficient Space

Before planning to construct a coop, you need to ensure that the chickens would have adequate space to live in. You should never compromise on its size. Those that reside in coops with cramped spaces are more likely to be habituated to abnormal pecking and cannibalism.
To avoid this, it is recommended to apportion approximately four square feet of space per chicken. So, if you need to keep 10 chickens in the coop, 40 square feet will be suitable for them to grow and feed in an efficient manner.

Weather and Predator Considerations

Protection is also one of the most important things that you need to consider while thinking of building a coop. Factors such as bad weather and predators are a major source of concern.
Construct the coop on a high platform with adequate drainage, and position it in a way that it would receive enough sunlight. Building it on a height ensures that it does not get inundated when it rains, and also that it dries out quickly when the sun comes out.
Use a good quality mesh wire to construct the doors. A strong mesh wire contributes to the coop's protection and does not allow any predator to gain access to the chickens. If it is not used for the doors, there is a possibility of small predators entering the coop and eating the chickens.


If you are thinking how to make a coop, you also need to take its maintenance into account. The maintenance is one of the most worrisome tasks that the owner has to perform. There are many instances when it's maintenance is not considered by the builder during construction. He later has to face the hassles of cleaning it the inconvenient way.
Before the construction, you have to determine all the angles and build the coop in such a way that you would easily be able to clean it periodically. One very important point to consider is that it's floor should be sloped downwards, towards the main door. This has to be done for the water to flow out by itself during a wash.
These are a few important tips that need to be followed while making a coop. If you do not want the construction hassles, you can always take the help of a professional.