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Types of Snakes Found in Florida

Shashank Nakate
In this particular story, we shed light on some of the most common species of snakes found in Florida. The state has much more to offer of its own besides the introduced species like Burmese pythons and Boa constrictors.
Florida, the south-eastern state of the US, is a haven for animals, thanks to the whole lot of favorable factors coming into play. Therefore, it shouldn't come as a surprise that it is home for over 40 species of snakes, including some species belonging to the Elapidae and Crotalidae families.

Common Snakes of Florida

Southern Copperhead (Agkistrodon Contortrix Contortrix)

The southern copperhead is one of the many species found in South Florida - in and around Apalachicola river and western side of panhandle to be precise.
It is lined with alternate crossbands of light brown and dark brown shades, has plate-like scales in front of eyes and on the head, and sports elliptical pupils, which are marked with slits similar to that of cats. All these features help in identification of the species.


River bottoms, stream beds, peripheries of swamps, and damp ravines are the areas where southern copperheads thrive. The species is known to attain a length of anywhere between 22 to 36 inches at full growth.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus Adamanteus)

Diamond-shaped pattern observed on the back of the species and the rattle at the end of its tail are the characteristic features of the eastern diamondback.
The species measures anywhere between 36 and 72 inches. Its body is covered with keeled scales, which have ridges on the surface. Its snout is marked with light vertical stripes, while dark stripes with a light-colored border are found on its head.


The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is found in all parts of Florida, especially in areas with longleaf pines, pine flatwoods, sand pine scrubs, etc.

Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus Fulvius)

The eastern coral snake is marked with yellow, red, and black colored rings. Yellow rings are narrow, while black and red ones are broad. The average length of the species is between 20 to 30 inches. A part of its head, starting from tip to the eyes, is black in color. Scales present on its body are smooth. Unlike the southern copperhead, the eastern coral snake has round pupils.


The eastern coral snake is found throughout the state of Florida, with its habitat spanning border areas of swamps, wet hammocks, well-drained flatwoods, etc.

Boa Constrictor and Burmese Python (Python Bivittatus)

The Boa constrictor is not a native of Florida, but has made the state its home, as the climate here is quite similar to that of its native habitat in Central and South America.
Similarly, the Burmese python, which is native of Southeast Asia, has also adapted to Florida, because of its ability to adapt to a wide range of conditions. In case you are wondering how the Southeast Asian species reached Florida, pet trade is to be blamed.


Boa constrictors can be found in abundance in the Rockland Hammock. The Burmese python can also seen around the same areas that are rich in trees and water.

List of Snakes Found in Florida

  • Crayfish Snake (Liodytes rigida)
  • Salt Marsh Snake (Nerodia clarkii)
  • Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus)
  • Gray Rat Snake (Pantherophis spiloides)
  • Florida Crowned Snake  (Tantilla coronata)
  • Racer Snake (Philodryas biserialis)
  • Eastern Hognose Snake (Heterodon platirhinos)
  • Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis)
  • Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis)
  • Black Swamp Snake (Farancia abacura)
  • Brahminy Blind Snake (Indotyphlops braminus)
  • Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula)
  • Eastern Coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum flagellum)
  • Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)
  • Eastern Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis sauritus sauritus)
  • Mole Kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster)
  • Pygmy Rattlesnake (Sistrurus miliarius)
  • Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon)
  • Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus)

Identification Chart

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Tricolor Reverse Honduran Milk Snake

Eastern Garter Snake

Northwestern Garter Snake Coiled

Pygmy Rattlesnake

Eastern Ribbon Snake

Eastern Indigo Snake

Eastern Coachwhip

Common Kingsnake

Black Racer

Striped Crayfish Snake

Northern Water Snake

Florida Pine Snake

Gray Ratsnake

Southern Black Racer

Eastern Hognose Snake

Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake

Common Garter Snake

Burmese Python

Timber Rattlesnake

Eastern Brown Snake

Brown Snake

Black Swamp Snake

Snake Bites

Pit vipers are responsible for 99 percent of the snakebites in the United States. Copperheads, rattlesnakes, and water moccasins are included in the family of pit vipers; all of which are found in the state of Florida.
The eastern and western rattlesnakes account for 50 percent fatalities in the US. Of these two types, the eastern rattlesnake is found in Florida.
Identification of snakes is carried out by means of set parameters. Certain anatomical features found in snakes make it easy to identify them.
Patterns like stripes, diamonds, crossbands, blotches, etc., are crucial in the identification process; so are the type of scales and the color of skin.