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Facts About Frogs That Will Leave You Astounded

Buzzle Staff
Frogs are amphibians - which means they can survive on land as well as under water. This AnimalSake post lists out some interesting facts about frogs.
Superstitions and myths perpetrated by humans have affected the animal kingdom in a profound manner. While the "good-looking" creatures have mostly gotten away scot-free, it is the lesser ones who have borne the brunt. Frogs, for instance, are often killed for their slimy, unsavory appearance, when in reality, these animals are quite harmless and prefer being left alone at all times. Therefore, it is important to educate ourselves about the animal kingdom in general, and work towards preservation of all species. Before we digress, let's move the focus on frogs.

Interesting Facts about Frogs

  • A frog is an amphibian.
  • More than 4,000 types of amphibians exist in this world, out of which only 45 species are found in Europe.
  • A frog is cold blooded (poikilothermic).
  • It ranges from 1 cm to 30 cm in length.
  • It is unable to live in the sea owing to the high level of salinity.
  • Frogs are able to lay 4,000 eggs at one time.
  • They have webbed feet and long hind legs which are used for jumping and swimming.
  • They do not need to drink water, as they are able to absorb water through their skin.
  • A frog is able to change the color of its skin to match its surroundings.
  • Its eyes and nose are located on top of its head. This feature enables it to breathe and see, when most of its body is submerged in water.
  • While under water, the frog's eyes are protected by a transparent eyelid called a nictitating membrane.
  • They use their long, sticky tongue to capture their food.
  • Most frogs eat small insects like flies and cockroaches. The larger ones eat snakes, small mammals, birds, and even other frogs.
  • The factors that determine a frog's habitat are rainfall, soil type, and availability of places of refuge.

  • Each species is blessed with a unique call, which is used to mark out a territory and attract females of the same species.
  • Frog eggs, or spawn undergo a change in body structure and physiology, from the tadpole stage to the adult frog stage.
  • Some are able to jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap.
  • The Scottish highlands house the biggest frog.
  • A toad is dry and has warts. It prefers to walk instead of jump.
  • Goliath frog (Conraua goliath) from West Africa is the largest known frog with a body length that exceeds 30 cm.
  • The smallest known frog, is a Brazilian species (Psyllophryne didactyla) that has a maximum length of less than 1 cm.

More Information Related to Frogs

  • Herpetologist is a term that is used for a person who studies toads and frogs.
  • Batrachophobia refers to the fear of amphibians, like salamanders, frogs, and newts.
  • Ranidaphobia is the term used to refer to the fear of frogs.
  • Bufonophobia is the term used to refer to the fear of toads.