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Garden Snake Facts

Shrinivas Kanade
It is necessary to know some basic information about the garden snake if you have a garden that has its back to dense vegetation. Read on to know more about its bite and its diet.
If you see something moving like a flash and before you can identify it disappears in the vegetation, it is time to look for some signs to identify what it may be. On the other hand, if you suspect it to be a snake, then your task becomes a bit easier. In this situation, some basic knowledge about the garden snake may help you come to a firm decision about the guest who is in the habit of visiting your garden, and the treatment it should be provided with.

Garden Snake Info

Well, to start with, there is no particular snake that is called so. It is a term used for many different types of snakes that are observed in the gardens. Depending on where you live, the snakes visiting or living in your garden can vary a great deal. This fact decides whether they are poisonous or non-poisonous. If you are living in a desert or semi-desert area, finding a deadly snake like a rattlesnake is not very uncommon.
However, more often than not, the garden snakes comprise species that are harmless to humans. However, it is still better to ascertain the garden snake's identity. As an aid in identifying them, taking their photograph may help you to search for them in a book or on a website that features the types of snakes with pictures.
The visitations of garden snakes also depend on what kind of food and vegetation cover is available for them in your garden. The following are the facts which you need to know about garden snakes
  • These reptiles that are commonly found in the garden are also referred to as 'garter snake'.
  • The garden snake's habitat is spread all over North America.

  • The gardens that are close to or adjacent to the forests, unbound grasslands, marshes or meadows are most likely to be serving as hideouts or hunting grounds for these snakes.
  • They can be aggressive or docile, depending on the species they actually belong to.
  • These snakes, whatever subspecies they come under, are easily identifiable because of their length which rarely exceeds 2-3 feet.
  • Some of these come in shades of brown or green and the sides of their body have light-colored strips.
  • You can tell whether the snake you are observing is a garden snake or not by how agile it is and from how far it has detected your presence.
  • These snakes have keen eyesight and you can tell that it has spotted you by the evasive action it has taken. These reptiles tend to avoid contact with humans and big animals.
  • Distinguishing characteristics of some of them is that, unlike most snakes, they give birth to their young one's and can be active during day or night.
  • Snakes, in general, cannot tolerate extreme temperatures and when the weather turns cold before the fall they go into hibernation. You may find that it is active even in the late fall as these creatures can tolerate cold temperatures. These late hibernators are quick to appear in early spring.
  • The garden snake feeds on insects such as grass hoppers or worms, small rodents such as mice and other small games such as frogs, tadpoles and small birds, which can be easily found in a garden.
  • Presence of raccoons, skunks, crows, hawks and owls in the snake habitat is a threat to its life. When some garden snakes smells danger, they may try to ward off the invader by emitting an unpleasant but sweet odor, which makes it easy for us to identify the snake.
These snakes are basically harmless. However, one cannot be sure which kind of snake one may find in the backyard or a garden. For this reason, caution must be adhered to while approaching these snakes. The better solution is to call in an expert who would help you with the issue.