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Interesting Facts About Scorpions

Here are a few facts about Scorpions to watch out for.
Mikkie Mills
Scorpions are classified as arachnids similar to spiders as they have eight legs. They are known for their venomous sting which prompts people to be scared and intimidated by them. Most scorpion stings are not fatal unless they originate from a known 30 to 40 deadly species whose venom is sufficiently powerful to kill a human being.
If you live in the United States, watch out for Arizona bark scorpion whose venom can cause long-lasting painful symptoms. Scorpions have appeared in human habitats as well, however, there are ways to prevent them. Here are a few facts about Scorpions to watch out for.


Scorpions prefer hot and dry climates, although they may be found in mountains including snowy Alps, Himalayan mountains and the Andes Mountains. Caves, forests, deserts are where most people expect to find them, however, human-populated areas have become second homes to these pests.
It is essential to learn more about these predators to protect oneself from any risk. In the United States, you can find about 90 out of 2,000 known species of scorpions mostly concentrated in a few western states such as Arizona, California, Texas, and New Mexico.


Scorpions are carnivorous and they would prey on all types of insects, small reptiles including snakes and lizards, and small mammals including mice. Scorpions eating other scorpions is also not uncommon. As part of the food chain, scorpions are hunted by other animals including small birds such as owls, reptiles such as lizards and mammals such as bats.
Hiding in shady areas during daytime, nocturnal scorpions prey at night while lying in ambush. Scorpions have strong survival skills and are capable of slowing down their metabolism when they can't locate food. A scorpion's average life span is three to eight years.


Hiding under moist dark areas outdoors, scorpions can attack whenever their nesting ground is disturbed. Similar to preventing tick bites, wearing long-sleeved garments and pants should prevent scorpion stings. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends wearing leather gloves for those who work the ground such as landscapers and gardeners.
This is preferable to exposed hands susceptible to scorpion stings. Shaking out clothing before putting them on will ensure scorpions do not cling on the garment. If you have a serious allergy toward insect bites, procure an allergy bracelet or necklace and wear it to identify your allergies to medical professionals.
An epinephrine auto-injector, also known as an EpiPen may be used for self-injection against anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction triggered by certain foods and stings.
Keep human habitat safe from attracting scorpions by maintaining cleanliness and avoiding clutter. Scorpions who invade homes are either looking for other pests who hide in messy spaces or whose natural habitat has been jeopardized.
If scorpions are trapped indoors, they will look for safe spaces to hide and this may include attic space, basement, garages, sinks, and bathtubs. Since they are nocturnal creatures, indoor scorpions have been reported to sting people sleeping at night.
Because scorpions glow in the dark when exposed to ultraviolet light, you can check for them by illuminating your rooms with black light lamps or flashlights. They will illuminate a glow of greenish bluish color.


A scorpion sting can be as painful as a bee sting. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that if stung by a scorpion, one should if he can, remain composed and not panic. 911 may be contacted. Alternatively, call the Poison Control Center by dialing 1-800-222-1222 for free professional medical advice 24/7.
If possible, trap the stinging scorpion in a full-proof container to be later identified by a scorpion expert. Avoid consuming any sedatives. Even though certain species of scorpions have been marketed as pets, one should still learn how to handle and manage them.
The more we are informed about scorpions, the more we will protect ourselves against unnecessary harm.