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Lifespan of a Fly

Bhakti Satalkar
The lifespan of flies is different in different climate zones. At the same the, females and males of the same species also often live for different durations. Scroll down to know more about it...
A fly is an insect which belongs to the family called Diptera. A fly typically has a pair of wings around the mesothorax region, and a pair of halteres on the metathorax. The Diptera family has as many as 240,000 species, which makes it one of the most commonly seen insects.
Flies have small and streamlined bodies, which are good for aerial movements. They are known to have mobile heads. They have compound eyes.
Most have antennae, which are normally short. None of the species have teeth, and therefore survive on liquid food. Their gut is able to store a small quantity of liquid after every meal.

What is the Lifespan of a Fly?

The lifespan depends on the temperature and the feeding conditions encountered by the fly. In a 29º C condition, flies live for about 25-35 days. However, if the temperature drops down to 25º C, then the fly lives for between 60 and 92 days. If the temperature falls below 25º C, flies can live even longer.

Lifespan of a House Fly

Houseflies typically pass through four stages, namely egg, larva, pupa and adult stage. Along with the temperature and feeding conditions, it is seen that flies that live near human populations have a longer lifespan as compared to flies which live in the wild.


A female fly is able to lay about 500 eggs. The female normally lays about 100 eggs in five batches. The eggs are white in color and 1.2 mm long.


The larva of a fly is known as a maggot. Depending on the climatic conditions, the eggs are hatched within 8 to 20 hours of being laid. As soon as the maggots emerge out of the eggs, they begin to feed on all that they can find. They grow well in warm and moist conditions.


Maggots stay in moist conditions for about 10 to 12 days, before looking for dry pastures, where they enter the pupa stage. For the maggots to make their way from the larva stage to the pupa stage, it will take anywhere between three to six days.
In this stage the color of the maggots changes to a reddish brown, as they prepare themselves for the last stage of their life.


From the pupa stage, the fly hatches into the adult stage. An adult house fly lives for 15 to 30 days. The females are able to lay eggs for as long as a month. You will be able to differentiate between a male fly and a female fly from their sizes―female flies are larger than the male flies.

Lifespan of a Fruit Fly

Like in the case of the housefly, the fruit fly also goes through four phases in its life, namely egg, larva, pupa and adult. The egg and the larva stage of the fruit fly lasts for about eight days and about six days in the pupa stage. After 24 hours of being laid the egg hatches into a larva.
The larva of a fruit fly has two molting periods. In the molting phase the cuticle, mouth, hooks, and spiracles of the larva are shed. The larva becomes hard, and its color changes. The female starts laying eggs 48 hours after entering the adult phase.
Although the lifespan of a fly is short, they multiply quickly and are known to spread diseases like cholera and tuberculosis. They transmit these diseases by carrying the germs as well as feeding on foods carrying the germs. Keeping your house clean is important, so that there are no potential breeding grounds for these insects.