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Interesting Penguin Facts

Buzzle Staff
The penguin is an interesting creature which lives in the Antarctica. Here are some facts about it. Have a look...
Penguins walk on their stomachs over rocks and snow, hopping, waddling, and even sliding with their legs tucked far down. They easily blend in because they are "countershaded," with white on their bellies and dark on their backs.
As they swim through the water, predators looking up from below are unable to view their white bellies against the light surface of the water. The predators above also have trouble seeing their black backs against the darkness of the deep water.
✦ Penguins are flightless birds.
✦ Most babies have fluffy feathers.
✦ Their solid, heavy bones enable them to remain submerged underwater.
✦ They possess a breastbone and large paddle muscles aiding speeds up to 25 mph.
While traveling at fast speeds, they leap out of the water every few feet. This action is called "Porpoising." Porpoising helps them breathe. The chances of being spotted by another animal is also greatly reduced because of porpoising.
✦ Penguins spend 75% of their lives hunting underwater.
✦ They breed in large colonies known as rookeries.
✦ Penguins near the Equator eat fish, while those near Antarctica prefer squid and krill.
✦ They stay warm with blubber and a waterproof body covering.
✦ Smaller penguins prefer warmer climates; larger ones thrive in colder regions.
✦ They are found on every continent in the southern hemisphere, from the tropical Galapagos Islands off South America to the Antarctica.
✦ Penguins mate for life.
✦ The male incubates the egg on his foot in the cold for nearly two months without eating.
✦ The female hunts for food, regurgitates it for the chicks, while the male resumes hunting after the female returns.
✦ Penguins communicate via sign language with their flippers and head movements.
✦ There are approximately 18 penguin species worldwide.
✦ Their natural enemies are seals and killer whales.
✦ Adult penguins take turns to incubate and feed their chicks after hatching.
✦ King and Emperor penguins lay one egg each; other species lay two.
✦ The fairy penguin is 16 inches tall and weighs 2.2 pounds, while the emperor penguin stands 3.7 feet tall and weighs 60 to 90 pounds.
Image Gallery
There are about 18 species of penguins. The images depict 9 of them.
Penguins and their habitats face threats from animals, global warming, oil spills, pesticides, and construction. Organizations are working to prevent global warming and protect these creatures and their habitats.