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Ruby Throated Hummingbird Facts

Naomi Sarah
The following facts about a species that is as variant in colors as peacocks, or other birds of the animal kingdom for that matter, will prove to be engrossing to animal lovers. Read more about this fascinating tiny creature in this write-up.
A hummingbird is a tiny species that comes from the trochilidae family, and is by far the smallest species among their kind. They're called so, because of the humming sound their wings produce when flapped.
They come in different colors, and are easily identifiable due to their stature and way of drinking nectar from flowering plants, flying in midair as they do so. They feed on spiders and insects as well, since nectar doesn't contain all the nutrients that they require.

Species of Hummingbirds in the United States

There are hundreds of species of hummingbirds present in North and South America, and some of those that reside in the US, are as follows.
  • Buff bellied amazilia beryllina
  • Anna's calypte anna
  • Violet crowned amazilia violiceps
  • Blue throated lampornis clemenciae
  • Broad billed cynanthus latirostris
  • White eared hylocharis leucotis
  • Allen's selasphorus sasin
  • Magnificent eugenes fulgens
  • Broad tailed selasphorus platycerus
  • Lucifer calothorax
  • Costa's calypte costae
  • Stellula calliope

Facts About the Ruby Throated Hummingbird

These facts are quite informative when it comes to knowing about this beautiful kind of bird, the tiniest of its kind.
  • When these hummingbirds migrate, it is a one stop trip that goes right through the Gulf of Mexico, to Central America. Hummingbirds that reside in Canada, also migrate a distance of 1,600 km to the Gulf coast. It's a surprising 20-hour stretch across Mexico, where some of them sidetrack through a shortcut, from the Texan coast, into Mexico.
  • The other four species that are from Canada, besides the ruby throated hummingbird, are the calliope, Anna's, Rufous, and black-chinned hummingbirds.
  • Due to the legs being small in size, it cannot hop or walk, except perch itself on branches or surfaces.
  • It serves as a good pollinator, transferring pollen from one flower to the next.
  • They use their long beaks to suck nectar out from flowering plants.
  • 'Molting', a process where hummingbirds shed all their feathers when they are either young or adults, is a common process in their life cycle.
  • Female ruby throated hummingbirds live up to 9 years, whereas the male species live for about 5 years only.
  • Hummingbirds are the only species of birds that can fly backwards.
  • They weigh in at about 3 grams; during migration this increases as they store fat within the body.
  • These hummingbirds' habitat are found only in places like South and North America. The country of Ecuador in northwestern South America has the largest number of species of hummingbirds that breed in large numbers. You'll find these birds in parks, wooded areas, and gardens.
  • There are about 55 to 75 beats per second when a hummingbird flaps its wings. It can increase sometimes to 80 beats/sec, to even about 200 beats, when doing a courtship dive.
  • The heart rate of a hummingbird is about 1.026 heartbeats per second.
  • Besides their ability to fly backwards, they can maneuver themselves to also fly sideways.
  • Their nests are made from spider silk, and is covered with lichen or pine resin, and is hung on the branch of a tree, usually in a cleared area of the forest.
  • There are about 50 species in Mexico, that are bred.
  • They prefer flowers that are red in color, like trumpet creeper, jewelweed, bee balm, salvia and so on.
  • They make these squeaky sounds, that are very little mouse-like, and not the usual pleasant twitter of most birds.
  • You'll find their nests usually placed on deciduous trees like popular, hornbeam, or birch.
  • Hummingbird feeders that are placed in apt locations, like spacious gardens, are what these birds look out for.
Such facts have a way of educating readers about a bird that is not really known, except for its rapid speed, and miniature size. If you happen to spot a ruby throated hummingbird, with its deep red under-throat, and emerald-green behind, you'll be able to cite facts that pertain to their species, should anyone be dumbfounded about its kind.