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Tree Frog Habitat

Dhanya Joy
There being several species of tree frogs in the world, the diversity in their geographic range and habitat shouldn't really come as a surprise. Understanding their habitat will also be useful in case you plan to keep these species as pets.
Tree frogs are species that are arboreal in nature, i.e., they spend most of their lives on trees, coming down only when they need to mate. Most species of tree frogs can be kept as pets. In fact, they make excellent pets as they are relatively easy to care for.
In the wild, they inhabit temperate and tropical regions that have tall trees or dense shrubs. While a variety of tree frogs are found in different parts of the world, the forests of the New World in particular seem to house a large number of species.
Tree frogs belong to the family of frogs known as hylidae. They can be easily recognized by their vivid, bright green color, with shades of gray and brown that help them camouflage. They are around 3-in long and have webbed feet with adhesive discs on the tip of their toes that help them to climb tall trees. Their color and size depend on the climate and temperature of the region that they inhabit.
It is essential for anyone who wants them as pets to know about their natural habitat, so as to ensure that they provide their pet frog a comfortable captive environment. So, here's some information on the habitats of different types of tree frogs.

Red-Eyed Tree Frog

The red-eyed tree frog has bulging red eyes, and hence, is named so. It is bright green in color with shades of blue, and is found mainly in the lowland tropical rainforest of Veracruz and Oaxaca, Costa Rica, Columbia, and Panama. It prefers a habitat that has warm temperature and high levels of humidity. In captivity, it should be placed in a well-ventilated enclosure. A 10-gallon aquarium, which can also hold some amount of water, is usually considered perfect. You can create a substrate by using a mixture of soil and peat moss.

Gray Tree Frog

The gray tree frog is around 2-in long and is found throughout eastern US, especially in Minnesota and Texas, and some parts of Canada. It is gray in color, which works in its favor as it is known to inhabit moist areas in the vicinity of swamps and lakes. In order to house it, you will need a vivarium with the facility of adjusting temperature within. It should be able to hold water so that moisture is available for your pet frog all the time. You will also have to provide climbing logs and ensure that the vivarium is well-ventilated and well-lit.

Cuban Tree Frog

The Cuban tree frog is found in Cuba as well as some parts of North America and the Caribbean. It usually inhabits shady and damp areas with tall trees or shrubs. However, sightings around houses are also commonplace in this region. You will require a vivarium with temperature in the range of 65 - 85 °F and a screen cover to prevent it from escaping. The species does not require much water, but needs a lot off moss and hiding spots within its captive habitat.

Dumpy Tree Frog

The dumpy tree frog, also known as the White's tree frog or Australian tree frog, is believed to have originated from New Guinea and Australia. It's an ideal pet for first time owners, as it is easy to care for this species. If you plan to keep one as a pet, you will require a vivarium or a 10-gallon tank with moderate humidity and lots of ventilation. You can create a substrate using coconut fiber or pine bark and moss.
Hope the information provided in this AnimalSake article is useful for all aspiring owners of frogs. The most important piece of advice: make sure that the habitat you create for your pet frog is comfortable and healthy, as that, in turn, will guarantee its well-being in the long run!