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Umbrella Cockatoo Facts

Azmin Taraporewala
Hey! this is umbrella cockatoo on board. If you are interested in knowing all about me, then you must read this story. Try not to read it aloud, I will grasp it and keep repeating after you. Read on . . . Read on . . . .
Haven't I introduced myself to you, already? Never mind, I have no qualms in repeating myself. You can call me Monsieur Connie: the umbrella cockatoo at your service. I am your guide. I am here to furnish facts about our community that will help you to know us better and keep us happy and healthy. It gives me immense pleasure in introducing to you the cockatoo community. As a responsible guide, it is my moral duty to provide you with an itinerary. Our journey begins with getting to know important facts about umbrella cockatoos, caring for us and we end our knowledge tour with the price you pay for taking us home. (Pun not intended.)

Important Facts

Some facts-* (Conditions Apply).
  • The cockatoo clan hails from the central and northern Moluccas, Indonesia.We are basically from the parrot family.
  • Individuals who carry out research on us and our types,have christened us with another name, Cacatua alba.Let me specify it for your convenience,it's a scientific name!We prefer Umbrella cockatoo over Cacatua alba.
  • You must be wondering how we landed up with a name like 'Umbrella cockatoos'. Well, we have inherited this name, literally! You must have noticed we have a crest on our head, that gives an impression of an umbrella when lifted. Hence, the name.
  • Where size is concerned, you can take a look at me. I am a mature bird, (I am not joking!) and I am about 12-13 inches in length.
  • We are blessed with white feathers; however, the lower surface of our feathers and tail have a pinch of yellow. Our feet and beak color is not in sync with that of our feathers. The beak and feet are a shade of black and gray.
  • Mind you, the clan is intellectually savvy. We are good at rot learning and repeat all that you say. Trust me, we are supreme entertainers!
  • Let me also acquaint you with the fact that umbrella cockatoos love attention. We love getting pampered and grabbing eyeballs with our tricks and talks.
Having said that, let me make it very clear that if you don't have time to devote to us and our eccentricities, please don't opt for us. We have a social outlook and a fun-loving demeanor. We would not encourage social malnourishment in our clan.
  • We are fondly called Velcro birds. Well, you may be wondering why we have been coveted with a name that suggests viscid qualities. We are a clan that is extremely emotional and are bound to develop an attachment with you almost in a jiff. Perhaps, you may count yourself lucky, if we choose to get all cozy in your company!
Our diet consists of munching on nuts, seeds, and berries. To maintain a balanced and healthy diet, we include fruits as well as vegetables. We, by no means, possess fussy eating habits! We love to live on occasional protein diets. Cottage cheese, boiled eggs, and meat bones (not raw but cooked) are highly appreciated.
  • The cockatoo clan as a whole, worships cleanliness. We are in the habit of pluming ourselves regularly. Some of us prefer to get wet and love the feeling of water being sprayed on us, but some of us are opposed to this very idea of bathing. To maintain personal hygiene, umbrella cockatoos tolerate a weekly birdbath with a light shower spray. (Lukewarm water only.)
  • As I have mentioned to you before, we cockatoos are social beings and love to interact. We are entertainers to the core. We love to trip the light fantastic, spread our wings, and make loud calls. We love indulging in activities, like climbing on ladders, hopping on chains and enjoy swinging away on . . . well, swings.
  • A fact worth broaching up is that, as far as longevity is concerned, we cockatoos rank amongst the highest. Yes, 70 years and more is the age span we as species flaunt. Cheers to our long life!
  • One suggestion, rather advice to you, is to keep cockatoos in pairs. If we have a companion, we will remain healthy and happy and will not have any behavioral or health-related troubles. No screeching and no feather plucking - yes, no bad habits will be formed. It's a promise!
  • As we grow into mature birds, we should be kept in aviaries constructed exclusively for us. Kindly do not ask, leave alone plead, our clan to accommodate in little cages. We need space to spread our wings and zoom around. Bottom-line: Make arrangements before we set foot into your abode!
  • We will grow into large birds, so beware. Don't dare to invite us to land on your forearm or your shoulder. You may droop (to say the least) or fall 'head over heals' (the worst) with our weight and size. 'Prevention is better than cure', is our motto for sure!
  • Also, if we are given attention and care, we fall ill rarely. Intestinal inflammations, feather picking, and parrot fever are some of the illnesses we may counter if we are neglected. Give us toys to play with, to chew, keep our cages and abodes clean by dusting them once in a weak, clean the food tray and dust the bars of the cage. The feathers leave off a white-colored, powdery substance that may cause itchiness and irritability. Give us all the time and attention and let us have a partner cockatoo for extra comfort and companionship.
  • Our secret to staying white and dust-free as ever is the spring cleaning activity we perform on ourselves. Our feathers emit a powdery substance that may cause a bout of dust allergy for vulnerable family members. So, if you feel your family members are not dust-resistant, it is not worth having us around and mind you, we are not the sorts to change our ways so easily!
  • Now, let me take a step forward and give you a brief description about the types of cockatoos:
    The citron-crested cockatoo, also known as Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata, is a smaller bird. It looks pretty with delicate features and orange feathering in its crest. Goffin cockatoo or Cacatua goffini are entertainment unlimited! 
They love playing the fool. Amongst the cockatoo clan, they are rated as the best dancers and hoppers! Cacatua galerita or Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo have an affectionate demeanor. They love to talk and learn tricks. Lessor Sulphur Crested Cockatoo or Cacatua sulphurea are docile in nature and reciprocate affection.
They are graceful and charming as well. Moluccan Cockatoo, also known as Cacatua moluccensis needs a lot of attention and showers affections. Rose breasted Cockatoo or Cacatua roseicapilla are beautiful to look at. Their diet has a slight variation. They should be fed with oily seeds such as sunflower seeds.
  • That's all about cockatoo facts and types. . . . Oh, the umbrella cockatoo price! It just escaped my mind. My apologies! Well, you will find umbrella cockatoos for sale within a price range of $500 to $1400. (Inclusive of our entertainment and comical antics that you get to see day in and day out!) Isn't that a great offer!
That's the end of our itinerary and our journey. Hope you enjoyed learning all about me and my clan. If you need any further assistance concerning cockatoos, or if any of your friends are eager to know all about us, you could directly get in touch with me or my team, Monsieur Connie - The Umbrella Cockatoo and Co. You could also email your queries to connie@cockoo.com or buzz me on 111000-1100-10.

P.S.- We have no branches.