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Walrus Facts for Kids

Azmin Taraporewala
You must meet the 'tooth-walking sea cow': The Walrus! Interesting facts are here to entertain you! The rendezvous, indeed, would be one of a kind. Now, that asks for a 'guaranteed' read, does it not? ...
Which animal is considered to be the most interesting, the most captivating of all animate beings? Alright kids! Do you know the answer to this question? Hello? Well, I take that silence for a 'No'! Let me spill the suspense, it is the Walrus -- an animal that amazes one and all. Here are some walrus facts that are interesting and intriguing. Read on to double up the fun quotient.

About the Walrus ...

In the Latin language ... the Walrus means 'Odobenus rosmarus', which further entails the 'tooth-walking sea cow'.
An exquisite looking animal ... the two long tusks are a testimonial to the fact.
The two tusk-like structures are used to pull its own weight from the ocean to the pack ice. This depicts a virtual image of the walrus walking on its tusk. Both male and female walrus have tusks; however, the tusk of the male animal species are longer.
There are two sub-species: ... (1) Pacific; and (2) Atlantic Walrus. The pacific walrus is larger and bulkier in its appearance than the Atlantic walrus. Chukchi, Bering, and Laptev Seas are places that the animal has chosen as its habitat.
They have evolved ... from being a land animal. It has been a resident of the arctic region since time immemorial.
Another fact ... is that the creature can stay under water for 30 minutes. It is only after 30 minutes that the walrus rises, to bask in some breath.
Their skin ... predominantly on the back and neck, is of a relative thickness that protects the walrus from 'tusking'. If tusking takes place, injury is occasional and death very rare.
The walrus has hair-like structures ... that, in actuality, are not hair. The whiskers are extremely delicate and tactile structures highly responsive to stimuli.
Their diet ... includes eating mollusks, crabs, sea cucumbers and snails. However, it occasionally feasts on octopus, fish, and seal.
Their physical anatomy ... of the walrus implies him to be a large and bulky animal. It weighs 2000 to 3000 lbs. They can grow up to 12 feet in height. They have an extremely dense and thick skin that helps to keep them insulated in the icy regions. The underside of their flippers is equipped with a coarse hide that provides a grip on the pack ice.
Their color ... is primarily a melange of two shades; gray and brown.

Fun-filled Tidbits

My (Copy)-right

The female is very possessive about its young one. They take care of them for about two years before they are left on their own to fend for their respective selves.

Get to-G(a)ther

The walrus is a socially active animate being that loves to socialize and appreciates physical contact. They make very loud noises below and above the water surface. They can make varied noises. They can tap, click, rasp, twitch and grunt very well. A multi-talented creature, indeed!


They don't possess a very powerful sense of sight. Nevertheless, they have an excellent olfactory sense and an amazing sense of smell.


If the male walrus is accidentally startled, he will splash water with his flippers in such a vigorous manner that he may crush the calves in the process. It is due to this that the calves and female walrus maintain their own herd.

Color Me ...

Another intriguing fact about the walrus, that kids would find alluring, is the animal featuring the color-changing characteristic, similar to that of a chameleon. Their color change may vary between a dark shade of brown and subtle pink.
The change in their color is an indicator of the variation in the surrounding temperature and their adjustment in accordance with the same. When the weather is warm, the blood vessels dilate, changing their body color to pink; however, to adjust to the cooler conditions, the blood vessels contract, due to which the body resumes a shade of brown.


Male walrus, who are interested in carrying out mating, will intentionally swim and stunt before the female herd. They put up phenomenal vocal demos in front of their female counter parts. Female walrus who are interested in mating as well, leave the pack ice floor and the mating takes place.
These were some of the facts that serve to be interesting and captivating as much as the animal. A word about their extinction: This wonderful creature has been clasped by the claws of being an extinct animal. It, sadly, is an endangered animal.
It is very important to do our bit to prevent this unfortunate thought from transforming into a reality, with Global warming being one of the major threats for the walrus survival. We don't want to see this disporting animal carefully preserved in a museum, do we?