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Where do Frogs Live

Rajib Singha
Except Antarctica and other oceanic islands, frogs inhabit almost every part of the world. Know not only about where do frogs live, but also many other 'froggy' facts from this article.
Tropical regions are where you can find the maximum number of frog species, and some more in the warmer regions of the world. Water bodies like ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, etc., are common places where these amphibians can be easily spotted. However, some species prefer to spend most of their lives on land and only go in water during their mating season.
Places such as swamps, marshes, ditches, streams or ponds act as an abundant source of food such as flies, mosquitoes, moths and dragonflies. Then there are some, which are mostly found to dwell on trees, and some which live in burrows. You may also find frogs thriving in dry and arid areas, with dearth of water supply. Such frogs adapt themselves in order to cope with this kind of habitat. During the 'low mercury' seasons, most species hibernate in burrows or stay in mud bottoms of ponds. Frogs have been treading on Earth for over 200 millions years for now according to the fossil records.

What Type of Frogs Live in the Rainforest?

There are a myriad varieties of frogs that thrive in the rainforest. Some of them are:
  • Australian Lacelid
  • Boophis frog
  • Broad-palmed Frog
  • Bumpy Rocketfrog
  • Blue poison dart frog
  • Common Mist Frog
  • Cane toad
  • Dainty Green Tree Frog
  • Green-eyed Frog GreenTree Frog
  • Green and black poison dart frog
  • Glass Frog
  • Hyla tree frog
  • Lesuer's Frog
  • Monkey frog
  • Marbled Frog
  • Northern Barred Frog
  • Northern Dwarf Tree Frog
  • Northern Red-eyed Nursery Frog
  • Ornate Burrowing Frog
  • Ornate Frog
  • Poison-dart frog
  • Panama golden frog
  • Red Tree Frog
  • Rainforest frog
  • Rocket Frog
  • Roth's Tree Frog
  • Strawberry poison-dart frog
  • Striped Marsh Frog
  • Three-striped Poison dart frog
  • Tomato frog
  • Yellow and brown toad
  • Yellow-Banded Poison Frog
  • White-lipped Tree Frog
  • Waterfall Frog

Frog Facts

# People in France, China, Philippines, Greece and some parts of South America have frog legs as one of their favorite delicacies.
# Although, there are about 5000 species of frogs in the world, more than 30% are on the verge of getting extinct. This is due to the increasing number of pollutants, undesirable climatic changes and introduction of species which prey on these amphibians.
# The African Rocket Frog gets its name from its ability to jump or hop over 6 feet high. Another species, the African Giant is called so due to its length of 26 inches and weight of 10 lbs.
# Frogs have teeth on their upper jaws, but none on their lower, while toads have no teeth. Imagine humans having the same dental structure! Funny!
# Some frogs use their vocal sac as an amplifier to make their mating or warning calls louder or more pronounced. Males have a louder voice than that of the females.
# Unlike humans, the tongue of a frog is attached to the front of its mouth. The sticky tongue catches the prey and throws it back down the frog's throat. Gulp! Slurp! There goes 'Freddy' the fly!
# Most people cannot distinguish between a frog and a toad. The main point of difference is the appearance. The skin of the latter is rough, dry, bumpy, and that of the former is smooth, moist skin and slimy. Also, a toad can stay farther away from water source than a frog, for survival.
# These creatures do not drink water, they rather absorb it through their skin. Neat trick!
# "Only the male frog can croak!" It rhymes and it is true too. And not only this, different species of these amphibians have its own special croak. And when a male frog croaks, the same species of female frog will answer to it.
# A group of frogs is known as an 'army', and the leader in the group is called the 'general'. Just kidding with the second one!
# The eardrum of the creature lies behind its eyes. One whose eardrum is smaller than the eyes, is a female. A male frog has its eardrum and its eyes of the same size.
# While frogs hibernate, their bones take the shape of a ring and such rings can be used to determine the age of the frog, just like it is done for trees.
# Tests and analysis are going on to develop the compounds secreted by the frog skin. These compounds are purported to work as potent blockers of HIV. The aim is to bring forward such medicine, which can keep this fatal disease from being transmitted.
# Different species of frogs have different characteristics related to their eyes. Some have round iris, some have horizontal and some bear vertical slits. You can also find some which even have iris of triangular shape or even the shape of the heart.
So, these were some of the general frog facts, besides those related to their habitat. Before, I sign off, it is important to know that frogs are important to human beings. They are an indication of healthy environment and surroundings. So, if you hear some 'croak croak...' in your backyard or in your neighborhood, then know that you are in a healthy environment!